The Trap of Average Performance
60 to 70% of consultants operate in the average performance tier. They get trapped in a constant struggle and have no idea how to break out. But it is much easier to do than they think.
After the first year of constant survival, I started to feel more comfortable in my second year.
But deep down, I knew I wasn't safe. One bad project could derail my career trajectory. I felt easily replaceable, like a commodity. I was not confident in my own abilities.
Being average is especially uncomfortable in MBB firms. These firms are inherently competitive and disproportionally reward high performers.
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It becomes even more apparent in tough economic times when scarce staffing opportunities are allocated to high performers only.
Then, average performers don't get enough project time, and their development slows down. Eventually, they are forced to leave.
These days, achieving high performance is essential for securing a consulting career.
But, when I was a consultant, I had several limiting beliefs about achieving high performance.
I believed that high performers are intellectually gifted people. I couldn't dream of achieving that level. As a coping mechanism, I convinced myself that I didn't need that.
High performers worked too hard and sacrificed their personal lives. But in fact, I was working crazy hours because my insecurities were driving me crazy.
I told myself that it was okay to be average—someone had to be. But I lied to myself. Deep down, it was hurting me.
After nine years in consulting, I realized I had deprived myself of a better career. Who knows how many great opportunities I missed and how many great people I didn't meet?
Now, I know that this goal is quite attainable. It is much easier to achieve than many consultants think.
For example, let's take a consultant who has been performing at an average level for over a year. They managed to perform well in this highly competitive environment despite a lack of structured learning and coaching.
Imagine what they could achieve if provided with structured learning, coaching, and mentorship. If they are taught a battle-tested playbook with practical exercises and personalized feedback. If they are mentored on managing their consulting journey to achieve their career goals.
When tenured consultants get coached well, they transform very fast. Within weeks, they can see a step change in their performance. Interestingly, the more they suffered before, the faster they saw the results.
Usually, the ballast of bad habits hurts their productivity. For example, they don't accept tasks well and solve the wrong problems. They spread themselves too thin and don't prioritize important things. Then, they do too many unnecessary iterations, wasting their time.
As a result, they produce poor outputs with low productivity. Based on that, leaders negatively judge their intellectual abilities. But, it was their lack of training that caused these problems.
Unfortunately, simply telling consultants about these problems is not enough. They need to be explained through a series of practical exercises. Usually, it takes a few repetitions to develop the right techniques.
Once they fix these basics, magical things start happening. Consultants free up time by avoiding bad habits. Then, they use that time to produce high-quality outputs.
Within weeks, they experience a step change in their performance. They impress their leaders and start building momentum. Only then can they effectively build stronger relationships and secure leadership support.
I write the Distinctive Plus Newsletter to help consultants achieve high performance. Only then can they secure their careers, achieve goals, and reduce stress.
The newsletter equips consultants with the right knowledge and best practices. In theory, you can learn everything you need to be successful by reading it.
I feel your pain.
As a consultant, I struggled to perform and faced an impossible situation with extremely high expectations and minimal support.
My life turned into relentless stress, pain, and anxiety. But I always suspected that there should be a better way.
All that pain was not necessary with the right support.
Nine years later, I designed the coaching program I desperately needed back then. Its sole focus is helping you excel and achieve high performance.
Only then can you build strong sponsorships, find great projects, and become confident.
If you are an MBB consultant and want to achieve high performance, please
Book a 1-1 Discovery Session.
Learn more about the Hero Journey coaching program.
Great content, Rus!