What's the best time to leave MBB consulting?
Nobody joins MBB consulting to stay forever. Usually, people join for a few years to learn useful skills, change or boost their careers. Then, it becomes an important question when to exit consulting.
What’s the best time to leave MBB consulting?
Consultants often ask this question.
It's the 2nd year as a manager.
Here's why.
Working in an MBB consulting is like moving in a fast career elevator.
Yes, you ascend very fast but may feel nauseous in the process.
You try to maximize your career value while enduring extreme pain and stress.
That's how I felt working at McKinsey.
Essentially, it's an optimization game.
Your learning peaks at the manager level.
You will fully master the consulting and management toolkit and become extremely valuable to the market.
Beyond this point, your sales skills become more important. Many people don’t enjoy sales responsibilities, and I certainly didn’t.
So, if you joined consulting as an experienced hire like I did at 34, getting promoted to a manager role becomes a worthy goal.
You validate your transition to consulting, acquire useful skills, improve your value, and turbocharge your career.
But it's not an easy threshold to pass, and unfortunately, many consultants don't make it.
That is why I developed a coaching program for MBB consultants to help them achieve high performance and become successful.
If you are an MBB consultant and sick of struggling with performance and development, I would like to speak with you.
Book a Free 1-1 Consultation to discuss whether I can help you through my coaching program. There is no commitment, and you can ask any burning questions in a risk-free environment.
Read this post to learn more about the Hero’s Journey coaching program.